Swap DVR Power Adapters for Boot Issues
DVR4-4480G, DVR4-4480RN, DVR4-4480V, DVR4-4580G, DVR4-4580RN, DVR4-4580V, DVR4-4680, DVR4-4680RN, DVR4-4685, DVR4-4685RN, DVR4-4780V, DVR4-4980V, DVR4-5580, DVR4-5580G, DVR4-5580RN, DVR4-5680, DVR4-5680RN, DVR8-4480G, DVR8-4480RN, DVR8-4480V, DVR8-4580G, DVR8-4580RN, DVR8-4580V, DVR8-4680, DVR8-4680A, DVR8-4680RN, DVR8-4685, DVR8-4685RN, DVR8-4780V, DVR8-4880RN, DVR8-4980, DVR8-5580, DVR8-5580A, DVR8-5580G, DVR8-5580RN, DVR8-5580RU, DVR8-5680, DVR8-5680A, DVR8-5680RN, DVR16-4580G, DVR16-4580RN, DVR16-4580V, DVR16-4680, DVR16-4680A, DVR16-4680RN, DVR16-4680RU, DVR16-4880RU, DVR16-4980, DVR16-5580, DVR16-5580G, DVR16-5580G2, DVR16-5580RU, DVR4-4680XN, DVR4-4680XU, DVR4-5680XN, DVR8-4680X, DVR8-4680XN, DVR8-4680XU, DVR8-5680X, DVR8-5680XU, DVR4-1590, DVR8-1590, DVR4-1600, DVR8-1600, DVR4-4480, DVR8-4480, DVR4-4575, DVR8-4575, DVR16-4575, DVR4-4580, DVR8-4580, DVR4-4780, DVR8-4780, DVR4-4980, DVR8-4980, DVR16-1000, DVR4-1250, DVR8-1250, DVR4-1260, DVR8-1260, DVR4-1425, DVR8-1425, DVR9-1425, DVR12-1425, DVR16-1425, DVR8-1450, DVR4-1580, DVR8-1580, DVR4-2555, DVR8-2555, DVR8-2900, DVR4-3000, DVR8-3000, DVR16-3000, DVR8-3200, DVR16-3200, DVR4-3250, DVR8-3250, DVR16-3250, DVR8-3260, DVR4-3425, DVR8-3425, DVR16-3425, DVR4-3450, DVR8-3450, DVR4-4000, DVR8-4000, DVR16-4000, DVR4-4100, DVR8-4100, DVR4-4150, DVR4-4200, DVR8-4200, DVR9-4200, DVR16-4200, DVR4-4400, DVR8-4400, DVR16-4400, DVR4-4550, DVR8-4550, DVR16-4550, DVR4-4600, DVR8-4600, DVR4-4750, DVR8-4750, DVR8-5000, HDR6-8000, HDR6-8100, HDR4-8200, DVR4-1500, DVR8-1500, DVR16-1500, DVR4-1525, DVR8-1525, DVR4-1550, DVR8-1550, DVR16-1550, DVR8-1575, DVR24-4300, DVR4-4350, DVR8-4350, DVR4-4500, DVR8-4500, DVR16-4500, DVR8-4900, DVR8-8050, DVR8-8075, HDR8-8050, HDR8-8200
The power adapter of the DVR and the power adapter of 4 PRO- camera models are interchangeable as long as they have the same output rating of 12V 2A.
We do this to test whether the power adapter is faulty or the DVR is faulty. Power adapters are designed to protect the DVR in the event of power outages or power surges.
Warning: Do NOT use a power adapter higher than 12V on the DVR. Doing so will void your warranty.
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Check the output rating of the camera PSU in volt (V) and ampere (A) or milliampere (mA).
- 2000mA = 2A
- Check the output rating of the DVR PSU.
- As long as both are 12V and within the range of 2A~4A, the PSUs can be swapped.
- Unplug the power adapter from the splitter and connect it to the DVR if it is 12V 2A~4A.
- Unplug the power adapter from the DVR and connect it to the power splitter if it is 12V 2A.
Note: If you have 8 cameras or more, you can swap the cameras' power adapters instead of the DVR power adapter as long as both camera power adapters have the same output rating.