How to Set Up Email Alerts on Your DVR or NVR Recorder?
NOTE1: Google App password is required for the Email alerts to work on your recorder. Follow this guide on how to setup on your Google account.
NOTE2: If you have setup Google App password before and your Email alert has stopped working, please enable 2-Step Verification (2FA) on your Google account to fix the issue. Google has recently required this feature to be turned on for the App password to work.
Once completed, proceed to the steps below to setup your recorder.
How to use Gmail as your Sender for Email alerts on your recorder:
Using the mouse connected to the recorder, right-click anywhere on the screen then select the Setup located at the lower left corner of the window.
- Go to NETWORK > Email Configuration.
- Decide on what email address you will use for the Sender.
- Depending on the Sender, put the rest of the information needed for the setup.
- Email: should be Enable / checked
- Setup: choose Manual
- Encryption: choose Auto
- SMTP Port: (check with your email provider) or see NOTE1: guide above
- SMTP Server: (check with your email provider) or see NOTE1: guide above
- Username: Sender's email address (your Google account/Gmail)
- Password: Your Google App password
- Sender: (any name)
- Receiver 1: (any email that will receive the alert)
- Receiver 2: (any email that will receive the alert)
- Receiver 3: (any email that will receive the alert)
- Interval: (1, 3, 5, or 10min)
- Click on Apply once you are done.
- Click Test Email and see if it will say 'Test Succeeded'.
- If it failed, double check with your Email provider if you have the right Encryption type, SMTP Port, and SMTP Server. Check as well if you have the correct email address and password by logging in using a phone or computer
Enabling Send Email per channel
Since setting up the email to the recorder is complete and test email was successful, we now need to enable the feature to the channels we want to receive alerts from.
- Go to ALARM > Detection.
- Click on Action.
- Make sure to tick the checkbox under Send Email on each channel.
- Click on Save once you are done.
Check Motion Settings
- Access the Menu and go to ALARM > Detection.
- Make sure that Mode is NOT Disabled.
- Set the sensitivity to your liking. Remember that the higher number will make it more sensitive and lower number will make it less sensitive.
- Now, the DVR still needs to detect movement. Having that said, select the gear icon under Setup and make sure to cover the areas with red boxes that you want to receive alerts from. Right-click to go back.
- Click on Apply once you are done.