What are the App Permissions in Swann Security for?
DVR4-4480G, DVR4-4480RN, DVR4-4480V, DVR4-4580G, DVR4-4580RN, DVR4-4580V, DVR4-4680, DVR4-4680RN, DVR4-4685, DVR4-4685RN, DVR4-4780V, DVR4-4980V, DVR4-5580, DVR4-5580G, DVR4-5580RN, DVR4-5680, DVR4-5680RN, DVR8-4480G, DVR8-4480RN, DVR8-4480V, DVR8-4580G, DVR8-4580RN, DVR8-4580V, DVR8-4680, DVR8-4680A, DVR8-4680RN, DVR8-4685, DVR8-4685RN, DVR8-4780V, DVR8-4880RN, DVR8-4980, DVR8-5580, DVR8-5580A, DVR8-5580G, DVR8-5580RN, DVR8-5580RU, DVR8-5680, DVR8-5680A, DVR8-5680RN, DVR16-4580G, DVR16-4580RN, DVR16-4580V, DVR16-4680, DVR16-4680A, DVR16-4680RN, DVR16-4680RU, DVR16-4880RU, DVR16-4980, DVR16-5580, DVR16-5580G, DVR16-5580G2, DVR16-5580RU, NVR8-8580, NVR8-8580RN, NVR8-8780, NVR8-8780RN, NVR16-8580, NVR16-8580RN, NVR16-8780, NVR16-8780RN, NVW-650, NVW-800, NVW-MR4K, DVR4-4680XN, DVR4-4680XU, DVR4-5680XN, DVR8-4680X, DVR8-4680XN, DVR8-4680XU, DVR8-5680X, DVR8-5680XU, SWIFI-SEVDBC, SWIFI-SE2KPT, SWIFI-SE2KIC, SWIFI-4KBUDDY, SWIFI-4KXTRM, SWIFI-4KFLOCAM, SWIFI-COREPRO, SWIFI-CORECAM, SWIFI-2KOCAM, SWIFI-2KICAM, SWIFI-FOURTIFY, SWIFI-BUDDY, SWIFI-XTRCM, SWIFI-CAM, SWIFI-PTCAM2, SWIFI-FLOCAM2, SWIFI-TRACKCM, SWIFI-SPOTCAM, SWIFI-ALERTCAM, SWIFI-SLMFLC, WHD-FLOCAM, WHD-OUTCAM, WHD-INDCAM
- Camera- to let the app use the Camera in scanning the QR code; also needed to be enabled even if you will use Manual pairing
- Microphone- to let the person in front of the camera hear you when you speak
- Contacts - allows Secure+ Plan subscribers to contact/ call Technical Support from the app.
- Storage- to let you save footages (manual record or download a file) or snapshots to the phone and play them on the app as well
- Location
- During registration, it uses your phone's GPS to determine your current location to be entered in the Address field.
- During SWIFI camera setup, it uses the phone's Wi-Fi to determine the camera's access point and be able to set it up to the account.
- Also during SWIFI camera setup, it gets the current SSID of the phone for faster setup; if denied, you need to enter manually your network's Wi-Fi SSID then its password.