Why Your Storage Device Shows Incorrect Capacity on Your Computer
NVW-650, NVW-800, NVW-MR4K
Tags: incorrect storage capacity, recorder proprietary format, format hdd guide, storage not recognized, computer shows 1 gb, erase hdd files, configure storage capacity, nvw-650 recorder storage, nvw-800 hdd formatting, nvw-mr4k storage issues, recorder menu hdd tab, fix storage display error, storage space troubleshooting, recorder capacity setup, micro sd formatting, incorrect hdd reading, recorder memory usage, proprietary file format, incorrect capacity solution, hdd formatting instructions
Answer: The recorders use a proprietary format that is not recognized by most computers.
As a result, when you check the storage on a computer, you might only see 1 GB or a similar small amount, even though the recorder is using the remaining space to store clips.
If the recorder’s capacity display (when viewed in the Menu) seems incorrect or significantly different from the actual capacity, select Format HDD to delete all existing files and configure it to its unique format, enabling the recorder to fully utilize its entire capacity.
- Access the Menu and select Device.
- Click on the HDD tab.
- Select your storage (whether it's an HDD or micro SD) by ticking the checkbox.
- Click Format HDD to erase all the files inside and set it to its proprietary format so the recorder can utilize the entire capacity.