How to Reset the Password of Your Swann Security Account?
DVR4-4480G, DVR4-4480RN, DVR4-4480V, DVR4-4580G, DVR4-4580RN, DVR4-4580V, DVR4-4680, DVR4-4680RN, DVR4-4685, DVR4-4685RN, DVR4-4780V, DVR4-4980V, DVR4-5580, DVR4-5580G, DVR4-5580RN, DVR4-5680, DVR4-5680RN, DVR8-4480G, DVR8-4480RN, DVR8-4480V, DVR8-4580G, DVR8-4580RN, DVR8-4580V, DVR8-4680, DVR8-4680A, DVR8-4680RN, DVR8-4685, DVR8-4685RN, DVR8-4780V, DVR8-4880RN, DVR8-4980, DVR8-5580, DVR8-5580A, DVR8-5580G, DVR8-5580RN, DVR8-5580RU, DVR8-5680, DVR8-5680A, DVR8-5680RN, DVR16-4580G, DVR16-4580RN, DVR16-4580V, DVR16-4680, DVR16-4680A, DVR16-4680RN, DVR16-4680RU, DVR16-4880RU, DVR16-4980, DVR16-5580, DVR16-5580G, DVR16-5580G2, DVR16-5580RU, NVR8-8580, NVR8-8580RN, NVR8-8780, NVR8-8780RN, NVR16-8580, NVR16-8580RN, NVR16-8780, NVR16-8780RN, NVW-650, NVW-800, NVW-MR4K, DVR4-4680XN, DVR4-4680XU, DVR4-5680XN, DVR8-4680X, DVR8-4680XN, DVR8-4680XU, DVR8-5680X, DVR8-5680XU, SWIFI-SEVDBC, SWIFI-SE2KPT, SWIFI-SE2KIC, SWIFI-4KBUDDY, SWIFI-4KXTRM, SWIFI-4KFLOCAM, SWIFI-COREPRO, SWIFI-CORECAM, SWIFI-2KOCAM, SWIFI-2KICAM, SWIFI-FOURTIFY, SWIFI-BUDDY, SWIFI-XTRCM, SWIFI-CAM, SWIFI-PTCAM2, SWIFI-FLOCAM2, SWIFI-TRACKCM, SWIFI-SPOTCAM, SWIFI-ALERTCAM, SWIFI-SLMFLC, WHD-FLOCAM, WHD-OUTCAM, WHD-INDCAM
Forgot your Swann Security app password? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Resetting it is simpler than you might think. In this guide, we'll show you the quick steps to get you back into your account in no time. Let's dive in!
Open Swann Security, then tap Forgot Password? above the Sign In button. | |
Enter your registered email address, then tap Reset Password.
Check for an email with the sender OR subject Swann Security Forgotten Password |
Click the 'here' link to set a new password.
It will open another tab on your browser to set your new password on both New password and Re-enter new password fields.
Select Submit once done.
NOTE: If you didn't receive an email and you are using a private email similar to .gov or .edu emails, please contact your IT or the domain.