DVRx-2550 / DVRx-2600 - How to playback / backup videos from the DVR
How to playback / backup video/s from the DVR via the USB flashdrive / memory stick
NOTE: Make sure that the USB flashdrive / USB memory stick is formatted on FAT32 file system. (Supported USB up to 32GB)
Go to the Record Search screen. There are several ways on how to access it:
a. If you have a mouse connected to the DVR, do a right-click on live view and choose REC SEARCH.
b. Using the remote control, press the SEL button when on live view and go to REC SEARCH, then press the SEL button again.
c. You can also press the MENU button on the remote or the front panel of the DVR, then on the Main Menu go down to REC SEARCH and press the SEL button.
You will be presented with this screen:
Choose a channel you want to backup from within the CHN option at the top left (encircled in blue); alternatively, you can select ALL to pull up recordings from all the channels. If you are trying to backup a recording within the current month, you can simply press SEARCH (encircled in red). If you need to backup a recording from another month or year, you need to put in the date (format is YYYY-MM-DD) in the Date field (boxed in yellow), then hit the Search button. The boxes for the days of the month (boxed in green) and the hours of the day (boxed in purple) should now have color fills depending on the type of recording they have (green stands for continuous recordings, red stands for motion / alarm recordings). Then hit the Detail files button at the bottom (encircled in white).
The Detail Files screen looks like this:
Here, you can do the following things:
- Display all types of recordings, or choose between Normal and Alarm type recordings. You can do that from the Type option at the top left.
- Play a recording. Recordings are listed in chronological order (from the earliest to the latest) starting at the top. The first column shows the channel / camera number the recording is from; the second column shows the start time and the end time (in HH:MM:SS format). The third column shows the size of the recording file, and the fourth shows the type of recording. You can simply click on any of the recordings listed using a mouse, or scroll down using the arrow buttons on the remote control or front panel. You will also see buttons at the right side (First, Previous, Next, Last, etc.) that will let you go further down the list.
- Backup a recording. To backup a video clip, you simply need to tick the box for that recording under the column “Select” (blue rectangle), then click the Backup button (red rectangle) to initiate the backup. One convenient feature of this DVR is the ability to do batch backup, meaning you can select multiple recordings and back them up at one time.
If you want to format your HDD as well, you can go to Device then HDD and you will see this interface:

Just click the box under Select and put a check on the HDD that you wanted to format, then click on Format HDD. Remember that this will eras all of your recording on the selected HDD.