How to Create a Test User Account
DVR4-4480G, DVR4-4480RN, DVR4-4480V, DVR4-4580G, DVR4-4580RN, DVR4-4580V, DVR4-4680, DVR4-4680RN, DVR4-4685, DVR4-4685RN, DVR4-4780V, DVR4-4980V, DVR4-5580, DVR4-5580G, DVR4-5580RN, DVR4-5680, DVR4-5680RN, DVR8-4480G, DVR8-4480RN, DVR8-4480V, DVR8-4580G, DVR8-4580RN, DVR8-4580V, DVR8-4680, DVR8-4680A, DVR8-4680RN, DVR8-4685, DVR8-4685RN, DVR8-4780V, DVR8-4880RN, DVR8-4980, DVR8-5580, DVR8-5580A, DVR8-5580G, DVR8-5580RN, DVR8-5580RU, DVR8-5680, DVR8-5680A, DVR8-5680RN, DVR16-4580G, DVR16-4580RN, DVR16-4580V, DVR16-4680, DVR16-4680A, DVR16-4680RN, DVR16-4680RU, DVR16-4880RU, DVR16-4980, DVR16-5580, DVR16-5580G, DVR16-5580G2, DVR16-5580RU, NVR8-8580, NVR8-8580RN, NVR8-8780, NVR8-8780RN, NVR16-8580, NVR16-8580RN, NVR16-8780, NVR16-8780RN, NVW-650, NVW-800, NVW-MR4K, DVR4-4680XN, DVR4-4680XU, DVR4-5680XN, DVR8-4680X, DVR8-4680XN, DVR8-4680XU, DVR8-5680X, DVR8-5680XU
From time to time, Swann Support agents may require access to your recorder to check settings, see the environment in which the camera is placed and examine recordings. To achieve this, our agents require the login to the device in question. Rather than asking you to supply your administrator credentials (i.e. the login that you use yourself), you can create a test account for us to access while keeping your own login secure.
- Login to the recorder, go to System
- Select the Users tab
- Select the first free user entry, select Permissions (gear icon)
- Click All then Save
- Select Edit
- Enable the user account, edit the username to 'swanntest' and enter a simple password of 6 digits and Save
- Advise your agent of the password so that they can continue troubleshooting
Once the agent is done accessing your system, you can toggle that user account back to Disable and your system will no longer be able to be accessed. User accounts cannot modify login details, so this allows us to access your system while keeping your original login details secure.